The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 427 The Strongest

At a different point in time, somewhere around the frozen lands, inside the so-called territory of the primordial.

A stench of blood was to smell all over the place where 3 ice trolls were talking.

Two of the ice trolls walked by each side of the last ice troll, who compared to the two who wielded axes and only had some simple clothing hiding their lower body.

The middle ice troll wore what looked like leather armor mixed with fur with a hood while also wearing several bone accessories made out of bones and teeth of all kinds of beings,

Together with his staff on its tip that was frozen by dark ice and inside had several third pieces of skulls inside, also with 4 curved spikes coming out of the same size.

Each spike has attachments of small wolf teeth hanging. Making a unique sound each time the staff hit the ground.

The staff that looked like the dead were trapped inside of the staff and were wailing from pain was, in particular, intimidating, though his overall aura matched the image of that stuff, if not suppressed it.

The two other ice trolls would even have felt pressure from him if they weren\'t distracted by the sight in front of them.

Ice trolls like them shatter through the distances, their bodies broken down, crashed, and cut in half.

Close to a hundred of them were to be sighted laying dead on the ground, which also bore scars of a battle, filled with craters and huge deep carvings.

Even their weapons were destroyed despite bearing no blood except the few spiked metal spears that were on the ground.

It seemed like a great battle has been fought here and indeed that was the case.

Alas, the most bizarre thing was that the corpses weren\'t just here, but were shattered kilometers far and wide.

Taking a look far away, the ice troll wielding the ominous staff could see similarly crushed corpses in other mountains.

"Such a waste..." The staff wielding ice troll said as he gazed he stopped at a particular pool of blood and waited.

The two other ice trolls looked at each other and then at the staff-wielding ice troll.

"Great Shamac, why have we stopped here?" One of the two said.

"We are waiting." The staff-wielding ice troll otherwise referred to as Great Shamac said with an indifferent tone.

After those words left his mouth, only an uncomfortable silence followed right after.

The two ice trolls at first complied with his words, alas the longer they stayed, the more anxious they started to become as they looked around in fear that the being that did this whole mess would come back.

"Great Shamac...this must have been done by The Thousand Screaming One! The blood of our fallen brother may attract the beast..."

"Brother is right, Great Shamac. The Thousand one must be near! We have to get away before it comes back!"


The Great Shamac stood with his eyes closed and in silence. Ignoring the two.

Making the other two as a result way more anxious.

Trying to convince the Great Shamac to turn back before disaster comes.

"Great Shamac!!! We need to run before The Thousand Screaming One comes!" One of the ice trolls yelled.

Only then did the Great Shamac open his eyes and gaze.

Not towards him, but at the pool of blood in front of him.

The next moment later, a small ripple was to be seen in the blood before the rimple intensifying as if it was boiling.

And then the blood seemed to explode and a shadow was cast on the ice trolls.

"Ghaa~So loud." A rough and deep voice said of the being that risen from the pool of blood.

The two ice trolls who were previously anxious stepped back in shock at the sudden new presence.


Hearing the shocked voice, the being soaked in blood raised his eyes and inspected the ones that made noise.

"Were you the ones who interrupted my sleep." the new presence said.

As blood slowly started to fall down his body, it soon came to reveal to the two what this presence was.

Bearing muscles seemingly carved by gods, his chest had a tattoo that looked like two blades axe facing the other way with the being what looked like a pointy cross that had its left, right, and bottom broken.

Wearing a necklace that had large and sharp teeth unlike any normal beast and out of his mouth his two dusks came out, each of them wearing a metal ring and his skin being of a pale blue.

Seeing the one in front of them, the two ice trolls were so shocked that they couldn\'t speak properly.



Seeing that the Great Shama finished what they were about they say instead.

"Chief~" The Great Shamac said as he bowed slightly his head.

That\'s right.

The being who rose from the pool of blood was none other than the Chieftain of the trolls.

The strongest ice troll on the frozen lands.

And now that ice troll gazed at the Great Shamac for a brief moment before ignoring him and focusing on the other two.

"So it was you two who woke me up." A sudden killing intent flashed in front of them. So intense that the two couldn\'t even react to it before the next moment, one of the ice trolls was sent flying so fast that it broke the sound barrier. At least half of his body did.

The wind burst by the sudden movement and the second ice troll gazed at where the other was, only to see on his place a quarterstaff that was being held by the chieftain.

The quarterstaff directly blasted a giant hole through the ice troll\'s chest and made a big hole while his top part flew and his legs stayed only to fall to the ground shortly after by the wind.

The second ice troll was shocked before becoming terrified as the eyes of the chief locket to him.


Before finishing his words the Chieftain grabbed his head with an immensely strong grip.

"You as well do." The chieftain said as he raised the struggling ice troll closer to his face before taking a bite at his chest while the trapped ice troll was still alive.

With muffled screams, the ice troll had to endure having big chunks of his body eaten before finally dying.

Seeing the ice troll dead, the Chieftain lost his interest in him and threw the corpse casualty to the side.

"Hmpf, weak, honorless, disgusting. Like all the other bunch." The chieftain said with his rough and deep voice.

"Was the hunt disappoint, Chieftain?" The Great Shamac said.

"Weak hunters with no honor, they run once upon seeing the hunt. Those with honor were too weak to a mint of anything. I managed to wound the screaming one, but I lacked the spears! If I had another thousand ones I would even have-!"

The more the Chieftain spoke the louder his voice was becoming.

Before he was going to finish though, he calmed down and looked at the Great Shamac.

"Magic User, I trust that your wisdom already knows the result of my hunt!" The Chieftain yelled as he walked off the pool of blood and hit the ground with his quarterstaff. Cracking the ground.

"So, why did you come here for!? You even brought those noisy honorless guys with you." The Chieftain said.

The Great Shamac shook his face at such words.

"Compare to you Chief, this lowly one is of weaker strength and relies on the mystic parts. Guards are but necessary."

The Chieftain narrows his eyes at such words.

"Alas, I came today as back at our camp, an important matter seemed to have arrived. One possible regarding a being of higher strength."

"Hmpf! And you came all the way here to tell me just that!? I hunted through all the mountains of those lands and the only thing deserving to be called strong is the Screaming One" The Chieftain scoffed at the Great Shamac.

"I do not doubt your judgment, Chieftain. But one of the honorless that left has returned alone, semi-fly claiming of such being to having killed each honorless troll."

"Weaklings dying from weaklings is but natural. Maybe I misjudged your judgment, one who claims wisdom."

The Chieftain passed the Great Shamac.

"The honorless one sprouted ridiculous claims, but his news, if the truth may be worrying. Claiming that the "One Who puts the End" had come from them. Also bearing his mark.

Hearing that, the Chieftain turned around and looked at the Great Shamac with interest.

"I don\'t believe all his words, but a powerful cursed being coming to existence could have happened..."

At such words, the Chieftain smiled.

"Interesting, show me the one who spouted such nonsense!" The Chief Said as he started walking away from the pool of blood.

"Also, freeze that pool of blood with your magic arts. I would like to take the trophy back to my camp."

"It shall be done..." The Great Shamac said as he turned around to look at the blood pool.

Raising his staff, his mana traveled to the pool of blood and slowly started to freeze it.

Once he was done, he went ahead to follow the Chieftain.

Though what couldn\'t be seen before, was now revealed.

The blood pool that has now frozen, is revealed inside a huge eye pierced by a black spear and ball larger than the Chieftain\'s whole body.

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